What are the different types of braces for teeth available in the market? Which is best for your teeth

How many types of braces are there

What are the Different Types of Braces Available in the Market?

Types of braces for teeth

Braces are orthodontic or dental appliances that are most commonly used for straightening crooked teeth or correcting malocclusions. They use continuous pressure on each individual tooth to achieve the desired result. Different types of braces for teeth are highly beneficial in fixing the following conditions or issues:

  1. Open bite
  2. Underbite
  3. Deep bite
  4. Reverse bite
  5. Crooked teeth
  6. Jaw joint problems
  7. Overcrowded teeth
  8. Misaligned or asymmetrical teeth.

Earlier, there was just one type of braces available, but that’s not the case anymore. Modern braces come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some of the most popular types of braces in the market:

5 Different Types of Braces for Teeth available in the market; What Are They?

  1. Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are what most of us think when we hear about “braces”. These are made of high-quality stainless steel. In these braces, metal brackets are connected using a series of wires and elastic bands. Over time, these bands are used to gradually tighten the braces, helping the teeth to align correctly. Metal braces are still the most common type of braces used for teeth straightening. Today, you can even choose the color of the rubber bands you want around each bracket.

  1. Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are quite similar to traditional braces. They look and function just like a fixed brace, using brackets and wires to gradually move your teeth, except the brackets are cemented to the backside of the tooth. The wire joins the brackets together pulling the teeth into position from the inside. Lingual braces are as effective as other types of braces, however, they take longer to fit as each bracket needs to be custom-made.

  1. Ceramic Braces 

Ceramic braces are a more popular choice for those who prefer a subtle look compared to other types of braces. Even though they have the same size and shape as metal braces, these types of braces have clear brackets that camouflage themselves over the teeth. 

  1. Self-Ligating Braces

Another type of braces quite similar to traditional braces is self-ligating braces. They also use brackets and wires. However, they use clips instead of elastic bands to hold the brace’s wire in place and are available in both metal and ceramic variants.

  1. Clear Aligners

Also called Invisible Braces, aligners are the most advanced options available in the market out of all types of braces. They are custom-made for every patient. Each one moves the teeth little by little. They are virtually invisible and are more comfortable to wear than other braces. Flash Aligners are one such leading clear aligners available. 

How do Clear Aligners Work?

In principle, Clear Aligners work like any other type of braces where the trays apply pressure to your teeth to move them into the desired position. That is why they are often referred to as invisible braces as well. When you visit the Orthodontist that provides clear aligner treatment, they will use an intraoral scanner to map out your mouth. Through visual imagery on the computers, they will then set a course of your treatment according to your case. Upon your approval, these 3D visuals are sent digitally to the 3D machine printer to create a 3D model of your teeth. That is how raw Clear Aligners are made. After this, a whole process of polishing and quality check is done after which you receive your customized Clear Aligners. Now all you have to do is start wearing them to get a gorgeous smile.

How are Clear Aligners Best than Other Types of Braces?

  1. Barely Noticeable

Clear aligners are made up of high-quality clear plastic trays that cannot be easily noticed by the onlookers. That is why they are called invisible braces. This is one of the top reasons why patients choose clear aligners over other types of braces. 

  1. Can be taken out

Clear Aligners can be taken out easily whenever you want. That is why, unlike other types of braces, there are no food or drink restrictions with clear aligners. 

  1. Easier to maintain oral hygiene

Brushing, flossing, and in general maintaining oral hygiene is better and easier with clear aligners. Since they are removable, you can take them out while eating and also clean them easily. 

  1. Fewer orthodontist visits

Another one of the top reasons why a lot of people prefer clear aligners over other types of braces is because they require fewer orthodontist visits. Since they are custom-made, regular visits for adjustments are not required. 

Clear Aligners are clearly the most preferred option as this technologically advanced dental option gives you the ease and comfort that other types of braces do not. At Flash Orthodontics, you can get the latest aligner technology of TRIOS intraoral scanning to achieve the best results possible for your smile makeover journey. Our network of 1850+ Certified Flash Orthodontists shares our vision of offering you the best experiential care and service. Visit the nearest Flash Orthodontist today to get started on your smile correction journey with us! 

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