How to Fix Crooked Teeth Without Braces

Are you self-conscious about your crooked teeth? We get it!

How to Fix Crooked Teeth Without Braces

Crooked Teeth

Are you self-conscious about your crooked teeth? We get it!

Crooked and misaligned teeth are a very common occurrence in people. It can be seen in both children and adults. Some people don’t mind having teeth that aren’t perfectly straight. But if your uneven teeth are compromising the look of your smile and affecting your self-esteem, you should look at options to get them treated. But before that, it may be helpful to find out what made them crooked in the first place.

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

Teeth can develop incorrectly for a number of reasons, including:

  • Genetic influences
  • Jaw growth deformities
  • Delayed transition/eruption of permanent teeth
  • Patient habits – thumb sucking/ tongue thrusting
  • Obstructed airways/chronic mouth breathing, and/or
  • Facial injury

While some of these factors are beyond our control, most of them can be treated.

What Is The Best Treatment Option For Your Crooked Teeth?

Braces are the most popular way to straighten out crooked teeth. But what if you don’t want to wear braces –does that mean that you are stuck with your imperfect smile? No. A revolutionary modern approach towards teeth straightening is with Clear Aligners. Similar in principle to braces, Flash Aligners guide your teeth by applying pressure at precise times to help in aligning them. However, straightening teeth isn’t as simple as finding someone to fit you with a corrective appliance.

Recognizing this, Flash has developed a network of 1650+ certified orthodontists across India who will provide you with expert care and come up with a customized treatment plan for your specific issues. Proudly engineered in India, the supreme-quality Flash Aligners are produced from the award-winning technology of TRIOS Intraoral Scanners and best in industry 3D printers for precise and on-point fabrication of your custom-made aligners. This revolutionary methodology uses 3D technology to give you a fast, comfortable, and efficient solution for your dental problems

How is Flash Aligners better than Traditional Braces?

Flash Aligners are a perfect alternative that can give your teeth the appearance of perfect alignment, without braces. What’s more, aligners are the only option that is virtually invisible to others. Another perk of choosing Flash Aligners is that they are removable. One common complaint about metal braces is that they pose challenges to your oral hygiene. Conventional metal braces can make brushing and flossing difficult. Since Flash Aligners are easily removable, you can remove them to suit your lifestyle. However, if they are not worn constantly or you often remove them from your mouth there is a higher possibility that this treatment won’t work.

Another factor that comes into play when choosing, is comfort. Braces are known to be uncomfortable, however, apart from the occasional discomfort Flash Aligners are comfortable to wear. In addition to these, easy maintenance, minimal dietary restrictions, and considerably lesser treatment time are what make Flash Aligners an easily favorable option.

But Why Are Straight Teeth Important?

Many people mistakenly believe that correcting teeth is merely a cosmetic concern. However, the complete truth is that your teeth are so valuable that if even a few are missing you may experience serious health and other dental-related problems as a sequelae. If your teeth are aligned properly, then they will last a lifetime with adequate care taken. If not, you’ll find that you’ll often suffer from the following issues:

  • In some cases, misaligned or crooked teeth may affect the ability to articulate sound thus causing speech problems.
  • It is difficult to brush and floss if the teeth are crooked or misaligned which may cause plaque accumulation and eventual cavitation.
  • There are chances of bite and jaw-joint problems that may occur due to crooked teeth.
  • Incorrectly aligned teeth can put extra pressure on opposing teeth, gums, and jaw muscles leading to excessive wear and tear. This may result in jaw strain, chronic headaches, cracked teeth, or even temporomandibular joint disorder.

Choosing the right orthodontic treatment option for your crooked teeth could save you time and money. If you’re looking for more guidance on treatment for crooked teeth, contact us at +912261935500 today to schedule your appointment!

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