Adult Braces: Types, Cost and Treatment Options
Dental braces are tools used to move teeth into better alignment, which can enhance the teeth’s appearance and function. There are several kinds of adult braces available in the market that can help you counter various teeth alignment problems.
Dental malocclusion is a common concern even in adult years and is not just limited to teens and adolescents. Your teeth shift and move significantly as a result of being under continuous pressure from chewing and your tongue pressing against them. This constant shifting of teeth is not just an aesthetic problem. It also concerns your overall oral health and even gut health. This may result in gum irritation and little pockets where bacteria can hide, which raises the risk and severity of gum disease.
Let us look into different kinds of braces for adults that are commonly used today.
Metal or conventional braces
With traditional braces, the teeth are fitted with metal brackets, usually made of stainless steel, that is connected to a wire (often made of metal alloys). Tiny rubber bands are then used to hold the wires together. Your teeth will move into the appropriate position with the help of the wires, which are made to exert steady, moderate pressure. Metal braces are one of the most popular alignment methods and have been in existence for years. The technology behind these braces has also seen significant advancement with the use of smaller, less visible brackets. Metal braces are the least expensive option.
Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces feature tiny wires connecting the brackets, just like metal braces do. These braces are either coloured to match the teeth or designed of clear ceramic. They are therefore less noticeable than metal braces. While in terms of visibility, the ceramic braces are a better choice but they are also slightly more expensive than the standard braces.
Lingual Braces
While Lingual Braces function on the same principles as conventional metal and ceramic braces, they are fixed to the inside surface of the teeth and are therefore not always visible when you smile.
However, the user can be slightly uncomfortable since they are anchored to the inside surface of the teeth. The gums and tongue can come in constant touch and the user may feel slightly irritated. People typically take a long time to get acclimated to these braces because they are very tough to adjust to. Additionally, they cost more than conventional metal or ceramic braces.
Clear Aligners
Aligners are made of clear plastic and resemble the mouth protection worn by athletes. They are manufactured on order considering your dental requirements and mouth size. These aligners come in one piece rather than in separate parts like conventional braces. Aligners are intended to move teeth incrementally, much like traditional braces. Additionally, aligners are designed to be worn most of the day and night (although you can take them out to eat, drink, and brush and floss your teeth). Clear aligners are custom-made braces and this is why they might cost higher than other modes of treatment. Clear Aligners can have a starting price range of Rs 59,999 and can go all the way up to Rs 3,00,000.
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