Misaligned Jaw - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

What is Misaligned Jaw

29 Nov 2022

Misaligned Jaw – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

Jaw misalignment is an alignment condition where your upper teeth do not sit perfectly over the lower ones. Overbites, underbites, and crossbites are some of the most common kinds of…

29 Nov 2022

Overlapping Teeth – Causes, Issues and Treatment Options

Overlapping teeth also commonly known as crooked teeth is a dental alignment condition where teeth extend over one another. Some people have slightly overlapped teeth which are often ignored. However,…

2 Nov 2022

What are the Pros and Cons of Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners have emerged as the go-to solution for almost all your teeth alignment problems. Their biggest strength lies in the ease of use and convenience that they provide. While…

27 Oct 2022

Diastema: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods for Gaps Between Teeth

Diastema refers to teeth misalignment where there is a gap between two adjacent teeth. While these gaps can occur between any two sets of teeth, diastema typically refers to a…

27 Oct 2022

Buck Teeth: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments for an Overbite

Buck teeth also known as overbite is a dental alignment condition where the upper set of teeth protrudes beyond the lower ones. This condition causes problems in basic functions like…

27 Oct 2022

Teeth Malocclusion: Learn about the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment options

Teeth Malocclusion in simple terms refers to a condition in which the teeth are misaligned causing problems in basic functions like biting and chewing. Ideally, the points of molar teeth…

6 Oct 2022

How Long Do Invisible Aligners Take to Work?

Braces have been in the process of enhancing smiles for a long time but they need a lot of commitment and are not the ideal choice for everyone. Thanks to…

6 Oct 2022

How Much Do Transparent Braces Cost in India?

Invisible aligners have emerged as the most preferred mode for all your teeth alignment needs. The meteoric rise in popularity of these ‘transparent braces’ is a result of years of…

4 Oct 2022

What Teeth Bite Issues Can Clear Aligners Fix?

Clear Aligners have emerged as one of the most effective modes of treatment for several teeth alignment issues plaguing patients across the world. The biggest strength of clear aligners by…

3 Oct 2022

Overbite Teeth: Types of Overbite, Causes and Its Treatment

An overbite is a condition where the top set of teeth protrudes beyond the lower set of teeth. Many people have a slight overbite which isn’t a big cause of…

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