Difference Between Overjet and Overbite
Both overjet and overbite are dental alignment issues that impact the way our teeth look and function. While there are some similarities between an overjet and an overbite, there are also significant differences that should be taken into account when choosing the treatment option that you pick for your malocclusion. Let’s try to understand the key differences between overjet and overbite and which procedures could be most appropriate for you
What is an Overjet?
Protruding top front teeth are the main signs of an overjet. The condition, also known as buck teeth, occurs when there is a noticeable horizontal overlap where the front teeth overlap the adjacent teeth. People who have this protrusion are more likely to knock out or chip their front teeth. In the case of overjet, the upper incisors are ahead of the lower incisors by a range of 1.5 to 2.5 millimetres.
What is an Overbite?
An overbite is a vertical misalignment issue, whereas an overjet is a horizontal one. When the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth by more than one-third, this is referred to as a deep overbite. In extreme circumstances, the gum behind the top front teeth may even be touched by the lower teeth. An overbite teeth is typically characterized by a gap of two to three millimetres.
What Leads To Overjet And Overbite?
One of the main causes of an overjet or an overbite is a person’s family history. A person may be born more likely to have an underdeveloped mandible or an overdeveloped maxilla due to genetic predisposition. Both these conditions are termed teeth malocclusions, a condition when teeth do not fit together properly. Other factors that contribute to overjet and overbite include thumb sucking, excessive pacifier use, and tooth loss.
Because overjet and overbite are skeletal conditions, oral surgery may be advised before orthodontic braces. If detected early enough, orthodontic treatment may be all that is required for kids to prevent the need for oral surgery.
Overjet and overbite symptoms
Both an overjet and an overbite can negatively affect one’s oral health in addition to how one looks when they smile. Other symptoms of overjet and overbite include:
- Lisp
- Mouth respiration
- Difficulties chewing or biting with discomfort
- Increased chance of teeth breaking or chipping
Make an appointment with your orthodontist right away if you notice any above symptoms. Early intervention may make it feasible to prevent them from suffering unneeded mouth pain or feeling self-conscious about the way they smile.
Overjet and Overbite Treatment Options
The majority of overjet and overbite cases can be treated with a combination of orthodontic process and oral surgery. Early tooth extraction to avoid crowding may also be adequate to avoid overjet and overbite. Along with orthodontic treatment, growth modification therapy may also be used. Younger patients may benefit from these procedures, but adults with overjet or overbite will likely need surgery to address the problem. To stabilise your jawbone, wires, plates, or screws might be used throughout the procedure to reshape your jaw.
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