Snaggletooth: Causes and Treatments Options
What is a Snaggletooth?
A snaggletooth is a prominently misaligned tooth that stands out from others thereby hampering dental aesthetics. Due to its heavy misalignment, brushing and flossing might become challenging and lead to dental hygiene issues in the future. People with snaggletooth often go for a complete treatment procedure such as metal braces or aligners. It’s because even a single misaligned tooth can affect how other teeth are positioned and performed. Metal braces are more frequently chosen by those who have several crooked teeth since they appear to be more effective and produce long-lasting results. Snaggleteeth create aesthetic as well as functional problems and can severely hamper the confidence of the individual.
Snaggletooth Causes:
Dental crowding is one of the primary causes of snaggletooth. The lack of room between two teeth creates this misalignment. Apart from these, a thin mouth roof or any single twisted tooth could also lead to this condition. Some other reasons include
- Excessive thumb sucking during young age
- Childhood teeth loss
- Extra teeth
- A large set of teeth
If the condition is minor, it can be avoided and in many cases, teeth get adjusted automatically. However, in cases where the snaggletooth is prominent, it is advisable to visit an orthodontist.
Snaggletooth Treatment:
Age and the severity of the misaligned teeth are the biggest deciding factors for the kind of treatment required. Metal braces or transparent Aligners work better for addressing teeth that are frequently out of alignment.
Clear aligners are one of the better alternatives to treat misalignment and provide comfort, durability, and affordability. Other snaggletooth treatment include:
Braces are one of the most popular methods used to rectify misaligned teeth. They function by applying pressure to your teeth with connected wires and brackets (one on each tooth).
Depending on a person’s dental condition, braces can be used for as little as a few months or as long as two years. You will require a retainer for the foreseeable future to help stabilize your teeth when the braces are taken off.
Invisible aligners
Another popular treatment method for misaligned teeth, aligners are becoming increasingly popular treatment methods because of their efficiency and user-friendliness. Aligners are invisible plastic trays placed on your teeth that work on a similar principle as the braces. One of the biggest advantages of aligners is that they are transparent devices helping you in expressing yourself freely. You don’t need to follow any dietary restrictions and they are easy to maintain as well.
Veneers are extremely thin shells made of porcelain or composite material that is custom-made according to the tooth structure. Veneers are particularly helpful when a person has two crooked teeth or slightly damaged snaggle teeth. Porcelain Veneers last longer than other alignment treatment options.
This process involves removing small amounts of teeth enamel from slightly protruded teeth. Contouring is an inexpensive option where the dentist balances the shape of the teeth with others resulting in better alignment.
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